Carlos Diaz: The Man Who Contacted UFOs

One morning in January 1981, Mexican photographer Carlos Diaz pulled into an abandoned parking lot in Ajusco Park near Mexico City. He had an assignment for a magazine and made an appointment with a journalist who was due to arrive.

Diaz sat in his car, getting the camera ready for the job ahead. Although it was early in the morning, the air was thick and humid, making even sitting still uncomfortable. Diaz looked at his watch impatiently.

Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a strange yellow glow emanating from the valley below him. At first he thought it was a forest fire, but a moment later the light source turned out to be a large orange oval UFO hovering slowly about 30 meters from his car.

Unable to believe his feelings, Diaz quickly grabbed the camera. Leaning on the steering wheel, he began to fire frantically. Then, without warning, the whole car began to shake violently.

Diaz got out of the car and took two more shots before the machine accelerated vertically towards the ski, leaving Diaz in a state of shock. This encounter marked the beginning of what was to develop into one of the most exciting and lengthy contactee cases in the History of Ufology.

Carlos Diaz photo

To date, this case remains among a small number of alleged extraterrestrial encounters that must be backed up by verified film documentation that has withstood the scrutiny of a number of experts.

Indeed, the apparent veracity of Diaz’s claims has attracted the attention of some of the world’s leading UFO researchers, including German author Michael Hesemann and abduction researcher Dr. John Mack. Both came to the conclusion that Diaz’s story was completely credible.

Carlos Diaz is the most important case of documented human-ET contact in our time.” Of course, during their first meeting, Diaz had little idea of what was about to happen.

The transition from a run-of-the-mill UFO sighting in an area now recognized as a UFO hotspot to one of the key cases of recent ears occurred only a few weeks later. In the days following this Januar sighting, Diaz remained preoccupied with his experience.

Unable to forget what he saw, he returned again and again to Ayusco Park, hoping to take more pictures. After a string of fruitless visits, Diaz began to think he was wasting his time. But then, on March 23, his patience was rewarded.


Wandering through the greenery, Diaz was again alerted to the presence of an orange glowing UFO, which he could only see dimly through the fog and rain that soaked the forest in Ajusco Park. Climbing the walls of the valley, he managed to position himself at a distance of 45 meters from the object. Diaz watched as the “ship” hovered above him, glowing bright orange.

According to him, it had the shape of a dome with a smooth ring in the center. This, Diaz claimed, was covered in several hemispheres, each about one meter in diameter. Hiding behind the rocks, Diaz thought his actions had gone unnoticed, but as he continued to watch the ship, he felt someone grab his shoulder from behind.

Diaz lost consciousness, and when he woke up, it was already dark, and the UFO had disappeared. He was shocked to find that despite the heavy rain, his clothes were completely soaked. At that moment, he realized that something strange had happened to him. When he returned to his car, Diaz noticed another car parked in front of him.

At this point, Diaz claimed, a blond-haired humanoid creature approached him and told him that if he wanted to know more about what he had just experienced, he should return to the same place at noon the next day. Apparently, when Diaz returned the next day, he found the same entity sitting on the grass.

Diaz claimed that the being then turned to him and explained that he had grabbed his shoulder in the previous tao. Before leaving, the creature also told Diaz that it came from inside the ship and that Diaz would gradually regain his memories of what happened while he was unconscious. Of course, over the next few months, Diaz’s memo came back piecemeal.

According to him, he remembered how the ship hovered right above his head. When he tried to touch the ship, his hand seemed to pass through the yellow light and he seemed to merge with it. The next thing he remembered was a ship parked on a platform inside a giant cavern.

Diaz was filled with awe when he remembered what he saw inside: “It was full of stalagmites, some of which were carved in the form of Maan sculptures,” he said.

“I saw a lot of people in the cave, some of them waved at me, and in a state of shock, I waved back.” Apparently, the creature that Diaz encountered in the park led him to a smaller cave that contained seven luminous egg-shaped spheres, one of which Diaz was invited to enter. Upon entering, Diaz at first saw only a yellow light.

But then he found himself surrounded by an image of a forest. “I could see all the details of the forest as if I were walking through it,” Diaz said. “I couldn’t touch anything, but I could feel the temperature and humidity.

I could see and feel everything, even if I wasn’t physically there.” His guide then told him that the balls were also a system for storing information and that certain data had been given to him. Diaz was then returned to the ship, and eventually to the park.


According to Diaz, this was only the first of a series of contacts with the same beings that continues to this day. Beginning in 1981, Diaz claimed that his experience within the spheres allowed him to “Travel” through various regions of the Earth’s ecosystem—forests, deserts, jungles, coastlines, and even arctic regions—with his ET encounters.
Through this contact, Diaz claims to have become aware of the interconnectedness of all life and the need to preserve the environment.

To many ufologists, especially those who have had “burned fingers” in the past due to alleged contactees, these claims may seem far-fetched. Nevertheless, many researchers consider Diaz to be a highly reliable source, not least because of the large amount of photographic evidence he has collected to support his claims.


Mexican television journalist and ufologist Jaime Mossan, who has been at the center of UFO investigations in Mexico since the wave began in 1991, believes Diaz’s UFO photographs are some of the most impressive he has ever seen.

Mossan took the photographs of Diaz to Jim Dilettoso, an imaging expert at Vıllage Labs in Tucson, Arizona, who concluded they were genuine. Convinced that he was not dealing with a hoaxer, Maussan visited Diaz at his home in Tepoztlán, Mexico. There, he spoke to a number of other witnesses who claimed to have seen the exact same UFO shape.

The apparent veracity of Diaz’s case has also attracted UFO researchers from other fields who have attempted to gain insight into alien plans from Diaz’s contactee claims. German writer Michael Hesemann, who first interviewed Diaz in June 1994, is convinced that Diaz’s story is true.

“He not only contacts these beings through ship encounters,” Hesemann says, “but he also claims to meet these beings in society because he believes some of them live among us.” However, Hesemann explains that, according to Diaz, the creatures do not want to fully reveal their origins.

“Apparently,” says Hesemann, “they explained, however, that they had been visiting the Earth for thousands of years and were particularly interested in our evolution, which, compared to their own, happened at a much faster pace. They are trying to find out who.

Another UFO researcher intrigued by the Diaz case is Harvard Medical School professor of psychiatry John Mack. Mack has a long History of working with abductees and contactees and considers the Diaz case to be one of the most compelling he has come across.

In his book Passport to Space, he writes: “Of all the experimenters I have worked with, it is Carlos Diaz who seems to have developed the deepest understanding of nature’s interconnected web. Diaz’s experience with living beings is so powerful that it seems like he literally becomes what he describes.”

Diaz’s experience, Mack claims, is an “awakening”, a process he says is common among abductees. Diaz told Mack that contact with aliens awakened in him a need for environmental conservation and the ability to “enjoy a beautiful planet”.

Whether or not extraterrestrial influences were involved, Diaz’s newfound concern for the environment has definitely been a driving force in his life. he repeatedly and passionately collected this environmental warning to the public, most notably at the UFO conference in Düsseldorf, Germany in 1995.

Diaz revealed that he was informed through his contacts that an alien civilization like ours was under threat due to its own History of destruction, yet somehow managed to survive.

He remains convinced that his contacts’ alarming prediction of our future is all too real – a prediction that asserts with near certainty that humanity, following its current course, is heading towards extinction.


This frankness, combined with the public nature of his experience, allowed Le Diaz to gain visionary status both in his hometown of Tepoztlán and in UFO circles. however, Diaz was quick to dispute this, stating that he was not a unique seer, but merely a “messenger”.

Leaving aside the true nature of Diaz’s current incarnation, for many ufologists, the Diaz case remains one of the most compelling in History. Indeed, there are several UFO reports that boast such impressive and numerous photographic evidence. And even fewer appeared who passed the test applied to the images of Diaz.


The expert analysis of Carlos Diaz’s UFO paintings was extremely thorough. Mexican ufologist Jaime Maussan handed over the original banners to Professor Victor Quesada at the Polytechnic Institute of the University of Mexico for study.

Quesada stated: “We were shocked to find that the spectrum of light from the object was unlike anything we had ever seen, it violated all previous parameters and did not match anything in our data banks.

The light was unusually bright. There was no evidence of superimposition or hoax. According to our estimates, the diameter of the object is from 30 to 50 meters.” Interestingly, the photographs were also analyzed by Dr. Robert Nathan of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Nathan, a well-known UFO skeptic, stated that he could find no evidence of a fake.

Of course, for those who have studied the three images, the first shot made the most impression. In it, an orange glowing vessel can be seen through the windshield of a car, with light from the object bouncing off both the car’s hood and the metal railing on the side of the road. These are, in particular, details that experts say are extremely difficult to fake.


Mexican ufologist Jaime Mossan was so intrigued by Carlos Diaz’s account of his experience that he provided him with a video camera and asked him to see if he could capture the UFO on film the next time it appeared. A few weeks later, Diaz woke up at 5am and grabbed his camera. He went out and waited.

Apparently, a few minutes later the device appeared and hovered over the house where Diaz was filming it. When Mossan saw the great footage, he asked Diaz if he could get even closer to the craft while filming. Two months later, Diaz was again able to film the ship, which this time hovered directly above him without moving.

Most spectacular, however, is Diaz’s third attempt at videotaping the ship. In this footage, Diaz, with his camera on a tripod, walks to the edge of the field, brandishing his flash.

In response, the ship suddenly materializes directly above Diaz’s head and sends beams of light towards him. The unidentified object then remains stationary for 30 seconds before going out. It is generally accepted that this video contains some of the best UFO footage ever taken.


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